Note: this post was written while Ambien was taking effect, and as such had some weird stuff going on, like being copied and pasted three times, being tagged as "I okay with Benin excruciating to deal sith," and being principally about comic books. Make sure you blog before taking your sleeping pills, boys and girls. Now back to the lecture at hand.
Not too much news today, blog fans. Just working, interviewing, emailing, writing, and relaxing all day. Word.
So apparently these days in the world of Marvel comics, Dr. Octopus switched bodies with Peter Parker so Peter would expire in the venerable doctor's decrepit body. But just before Peter died, he implanted Dr. Octopus's mind with each of his formative memories and gave a dying wish for Dr. Octopus to protect New York in his stead.
I don't know, I see some cool things they could do with that, which I do not see being done. I sort of feel that once a character becomes as iconic as Spider-Man, they get a certain level of immunity from canonical murder from within his own mythos.
But Peter Parker? Spider-Man? Dead? In multiple series and universes? What is this world coming to? Spider-Man dying and me blogging? I say.